Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Matrix, Farscape, and Star Trek...

While viewing The Matrix, Farscape, and Star Trek I came to a realization on what these three films have in common . . . the fact that they in some way explain how people are traveling to different dimensions and how they are stuck there for a brief time and if they do not find a way out they will continue to be shielded from the truth of reality. In the episode “Royale” of Star Trek the team finds an odd planet that shows some type faint sign of life form. When they go to explore this planet they encounter a pitch black field with nothing in sight but a greenish gas hovering above their heads and a revolving door. When they go beyond these revolving doors they step into a casino filled with people who seem to be enjoying themselves but when they try to go back past the revolving doors they seem to return to the casino and communications between them and the crew in space are lost. When the crew investigates the situation they came upon a novel which seems to narrate what was going on in the casino and that they had to play a part in the novel in order to get out. In the episode “A Human Reaction” of Farscape John Crichton the main character believes sees a worm hole and beyond this worm hole he sees his home planet Earth. He has to make a tough decision whether to stay with his crew and continue on there journey or go back home. He chooses to go home but when he arrives there instead of being greeted by his fellow human beings he is interrogated on what he knows outside of Earth and is being treated like a prisoner. His crew somehow is able to et through the worm hole as well but are captured as well and are held against there will. Throughout the episode John is troubled on why everything seems to be similar to when he left which had been a long time ago and starts to realize he is not on planet earth but a replica. In the Matrix as we all know Humans are being lead to believe that they live in a “normal” world when in reality they are being used as energy to support the machines that rebelled against them. It is only when rebels began to understand that this lifestyle was not suitable for them that they began to unleash the minds of people, who were stuck in that material world considered the Matrix. With that said these three films to me seem to convey the message that people can get stuck in a material world without knowing and the only way out is to look at the bigger picture and ask why? Like the media to our current lifestyles. The media in some way or another determine how we represent ourselves because they know that most fear not being what is considered normal or being with the “In crowd”.

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