Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Matrix....

What the Matrix is truly about is how humans come to try and understand what in the world is real, how to define real and that they are living in an alternate world but are under the influence of something preventing them from seeing the truth which is they are run by machines in the future. I do not believe we can ever live in the matrix because we humans have control over the technology we create and can dispose of them when we want. I believe that the media is trying it's hardest to make it seem like we live in Socrates' cave being that they try to give us an understanding about what they show us and make it seem as if they are right even when lieing. The Matrix can be compared to our modern society because many people do not see or do not understand the control the government has over it's citizens and that they are hiding many truths and shielding us from what can possibly make us want to overthrow them like how the rebels wanted to overthrow the machines in the matrix. Also like within the matrix the machines needed humans to survive, just like the government needs it's peoples cooperation to continue on running civilized. There is more to the film the matrix than meets the eye. I believe they provided many subliminal messages or just gave the audience a reason to think about how they are living. Many different philosophers have made inferences and connections about the matrix that you can take into consideration such as the fact Neo, the main character can be compared to jesus christ and they have alibis such as when Neo is in a cross like shape before he sacrifises himself to save his people. Another is Alice in Wonderland how they made Alice follow a white rabbit, they made Neo follow a white rabbit. Even if we do not see it first The Matrix is movie based on ideas from historical contents just in a futuristic way... Well thats the way I see it.


  1. I am SO going to go blind trying to read that black on blue.

  2. "There is more to the film the matrix than meets the eye.." I couldnt agree more. I dont think its based on historical content but more on our everyday lives, the shit we cant see but is right in front of us.

    Would people be able to walk away from a system they have known there whole lives, people become dependent and the thought of change not only scares them but makes them savage. Change is hard, change is good, but change is also dangerous at times.

    The matrix made alot of people look and view many things in a different light, me personally media and advertisement the "real" agents of "our" matrix. They shape every aspect of our lives since we are born.

    Its scary to think that everything we know is only what they want us to know. He who controls knowledge, controls the future.
