Tuesday, May 19, 2009


The NYPAL is a great source of information, but only if you are looking in the categories of performing arts, theatre, dance, and things of that nature. I personally was looking for information on sports and when I ask a staff member where I would find anything on sports he said there are no reference books or books to use. So with that being said the library was not much help for me, but I did find interesting material that had nothing to do with my topic at the time. On the second floor of the library there is a section on homosexuality, modern and medieval entertainment, and many other books that I could have used as a new topic being there were a lot of sources for these topics. Overall the library was small, but it did have many computers to choose from and there were also sections on the first and second floor where you can either view or borrow movies and the selection of movies to choose from was in my opinion pretty big. The library to me is well organized and it is not that hard to find material for what it is you are looking if they in fact have it. As far as it being nice and quiet though there was a man screaming for what reason I don't think anybody knows, but I think security should have escorted him out or at least give him a warning for being distruptive. . . Other than that the NYPAL is a decent library and very resourceful.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A vision of students today

In the short film "A vision of students today" there were many good points in the beginning that some of the students bought up that I would agree with such as the size of some classes, the percentage of teachers who do not know my name, and the fact that most students buy books that they rather never read and sometimes do not need. I can relate to things such as that but then there were some ideas that I just not understand why they felt it was important to mention. Some one mentioned how his laptop cost more than what some people make in a year, and another mentioned the time thy spend eating. Even if you could change that what good would it do?


To me one major message being conveyed in Simone was that nowadays virtual reality at anytime can give a better performance than any one person can being you are in total control of every aspect of the film. The events of this film occured in hollywood where most illusions I mean films are made, lol. That goes to show you that if that were to happen in reality we to would be unaware of a false reality being fed to us. It also goes to show that if people have to go virtual reality to make a great film then actors and actresses have really lost it over the years. Since "VR" is not real it played a good part in deceiving it's audience like a real actor should therefore making it a suitable substitution for an actor/actress. In the film Simone had no flaws when it came to the big screen and she always performed with attributes of the best actresses and gave the audience exactly what they wanted to hear and see although they never seen her in person. It is comparable to the Matrix because in both films people are being given something they want to see and hear, being fully unaware of what the truth is behind it. In the case of Simone, the fantasy part of the movie was more possitive than that of the matrix.

Research project

One idea I had to research was how the media depicts professioal athletes who in one part of their lives did something considered wrong rather it being a sex scandal or they have used steriods or any other physical enhancing substance. Yes it is true athletes are idols and role models that people should look up to with pride and respect and should not use anything to boost their talents, but with knowledge of this why would the media do everything in their power to bring that person down. I also notice the more famous the athlete, the more blame it comes with being they let down so many fans. I will talk about athletes from baseball, basketball, and football since the major stories seem to revolve around these three sports. Most likely my presentation will be in the form of power point.

Some examples in mind I consider including are; The Michael Vick case, O.J. Simpson trial, Michael Phelps, Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, Manny Ramirez, etc.
I see these people as major icons and I believe most of them have the right to do what rather makes them feel comfortable or calms them down. Not all athletes who have been accused are innocent so I will include how most of them deserved the treatment they received.